Thursday, August 6, 2009

(500) Days of Summer

This isn't exactly a review, more of a reaction, and how this movie affected me. that the same thing? XD

Well, start with a summary. The movie is about this guy, played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt (OMGAMAZING!) who falls in love with this girl named Summer, and about the 500 days he's known her, and how they get together and then fall apart... simple, ya?

Well, it's, of course, not QUITE that simple, but I don't want to ruin the movie for anyone... as for how the movie affected me... well... one of the major sources of anxiety and worry and stress in my life is, well, my life. In high school and before, my sights were focused almost primarily, obsessively, on overachieving - looking good so that one day, maybe, I could go to a great college, like teachers and counselors and the world tell you you should. Well, my 16th spot in a class of almost 800, my above-4.0 average, my honors status, my extracurriculars, my SAT score of 2010, my exceeding all three AIMS tests, getting 4s and 5s in my AP exams... all of that work and toil, and I ended up at Northern Arizona University with people who did half as much work as I did, in better programs than I am, with better prospects for a good future than I have.... Just think about that for a moment. Think about how, you know, my guidance counselor looked at my NAU honors application (I needed his signature), looked at my transcript, and then looked up at me, fully dumbfounded at my choice. I chickened out. That's all there is to it... and I blew it. And I've been dealing with that sense of failure the past three years. Gee, no wonder I'm miserable (moment of insight for me, actually).

Well, here is this movie... this guy, Tom... he's out of college. He studied to be an architect, and here he is, working for a greeting card company... and then this girl Summer, just moved there from Michigan, to kind of shake things up for herself, to live a different life... and... I dunno. As with my favorite webcomic, Questionable Content, this movie gave me a glimpse of a possible world outside of college... showing that, yeah, I can live, I can exist, there is a possibility that maybe things will work out, you know? I dunno... I do have alot of worries and concerns, particularly when it comes to my extreme anxiety disorders, but, maybe, it'll all work out for me... like maybe karma (god is she a douche sometimes) will come around and guide me to something better than this unsatisfying pizza job, this deteriorating and worthless painting degree, and this world of people who don't really understand nor care beyond their own lives. College is the worst thing that's ever happened to me, seriously. But, now that I'm beginning to see the possibilities for the life beyond this... and, I dunno... it makes me not hate it so much... I just hope, that, you know... that my dreams and envisions and hopes for life after college isn't nearly as disappointing as college itself has been.

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